Deputy Police Chief Derick Cassidy was sworn into his new position by the Town Clerk, Cindy Thompson, during the Select Board meeting on December 17, 2024.
“I’m extremely happy we were able to promote from within.” said Chief McGrath, “I have the utmost confidence that Deputy Chief Cassidy will excel in this new position, through his 13 years of service he has proven to be an asset to the success of our department and to the Wrentham community.”
Deputy Chief Cassidy started with the Wrentham Police Department in February of 2011 when he transferred from Plainville Police Department, and was promoted to Sergeant in July of 2023. Over the course of his career, Cassidy has attended many specialized law enforcement trainings, including D.A.R.E Instructor, Narcotics and Autism Awareness. Cassidy also holds a Bachler’s of Science in Criminal Justice and is working on his Master’s degree.
Deputy Chief Cassidy had his new badge pinned on him by his father, Dave, as his family looked on.
The Select Board wishes Deputy Chief Cassidy well in his new position and thanks him for his service to our community.