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Town of Wrentham Encourages Election Participation Through Wrentham Engagement Events

WRENTHAM — The Town of Wrentham, in the interest of encouraging civic participation, invites community members to take part in Town Election events sponsored by Wrentham Engagement.

Wrentham Engagement (WE), a local grassroots, non-partisan organization, will host a forum for candidates on Tuesday, March 12, from 7-9 p.m., at the King Philip Regional High School auditorium. WE encourages awareness and civic engagement in Wrentham’s governance and future through community events that introduce candidates to voters.

Candidates for Select Board and other town boards and commissions have been invited. The forum will be facilitated by Jerry McGovern, a member of WE’s Steering Committee.

Candidates will be asked to share their perspectives on key issues facing the community. Residents are invited to submit questions anonymously here.

Additionally, WE will host its third annual Candidates on the Common gathering at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 23, on Wrentham Town Common. Voters can meet candidates in a relaxed setting.

Cable 8 will be present to broadcast both events for those who cannot attend in-person.

The Town Election is April 1.
