The Town of Wrentham, in the interest of updating the community in advance of the April 1 Annual Town Election, wishes to provide the following information regarding a Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion question on the ballot for the Town’s allocable share of the Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical School District’s $183 million bonds.
The Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical School District received approval at a districtwide referendum on October 24, 2023, to construct a new $286 million high school for students from its 11 sending districts, including Wrentham. After extensive study, Tri-County school leaders determined the current building, constructed in 1977, does not meet the needs for a 21st century technical education or current accessibility laws. Wrentham voters overwhelmingly approved the project with about 79 percent support.
Seventy-seven students from Wrentham presently attend Tri-County. Based on current enrollment, the Town will be responsible for 8.17 percent of the debt, or $26.8 million in total payments. A debt exclusion allows communities to temporarily exceed the tax levy cap under Proposition 2 ½ for the length of the borrowing. Approval of the debt exclusion will allow the Town of Wrentham to absorb the increased debt without compromising municipal services and staffing in future operating budgets.
Based on current estimates for the Tri-County bond issuances, the project will increase tax bills by an average of $155.65 for residential properties and $194.35 for commercial properties. However, the Town’s only other debt exclusion, for King Philip Regional School District building projects, will be paid off in Fiscal Year 2026 (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026) reducing the impact of the Tri-County project on taxpayers.
The actual median tax impact after the King Philip Regional School District debt is retired is projected at an average of $63.50 annually for residential properties and $79.29 annually for commercial properties.
Town Election polls will be open on Monday, April 1, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., at Delaney Elementary School, 120 Taunton St. Early voting and mail-in voting options are not available.
For more information about the building project, visit https://www.tri-countybuilding.com/ and https://www.wrentham.gov/news/important_information/tri-county_school_building_project_